Are Easter and Christmas Pagan Holidays?

There is a disturbing trend in churches and Christian circles to denounce the celebration of Easter and Christmas as pagan. The video shared here is an example.

These topics were first introduced by Alexander Hislop’s The Two Babylon’s and Ralph Woodrow’s Babylon Mystery Religion. However Woodrow has changed his position on many of these conclusions in his new book The Babylon Connection. Woodrow recognized the flaw in logic used by Hislop and himself and illustrated it in this statement

“By this method, one could take virtually anything and do the same—even the “golden arches” at McDonald’s! The Encyclopedia Americana (article: “Arch”) says the use of arches was known in Babylon as early as 2020 B.C. Since Babylon was called “the golden city” (Isa. 14:4), can there be any doubt about the origin of the golden arches? As silly as this is, this is the type of proof that has been offered over and over about pagan origins.”

Woodrow, The Babylon Connection

We can see here the logic is flawed. Further there are variations on these ancient mythologies and looking for similarities you may find something But that doesn’t prove that there is any connection. For example the story of Nimrod is found in Josephus history and a majority of others as Nimrod rebelling against God and promoting other gods. However there are a couple ancient versions of the story which say the opposite, that he fought the other gods. In fact his name translated in the Septuagint means giant hunter and the bible says he was a mighty hunter before the Lord which seems to suggest that the later minority accounts could be closer to the truth.

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Christian Response to Cake for a Gay Marriage


A Christian bakery owner is under fire for refusing to make a wedding cake for a homosexual couple participating in openly gay marriage ceremony.  The couple alleges that the bakery owner told them “they were abominations to the Lord”.   Scripture tells us that Jesus was full of both grace and truth. If this statement with the term abomination was used then that wouldn’t have been with grace, however the baker has indicated that he didn’t make such a statement. There are many issues here:

1. For Christians there is no separation of faith and life. We are not to have a public business face and private Christian face.
2. Eph 5:11 “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”  We are to take no part in deeds contrary to God’s moral standards and purposes.

3. Mt 5:19 says that if we ignore God’s law and teach others that its OK to ignore Gods law we shall be considered least in the kingdom of heaven. We are not to act in such a way that we leave any impression that any part of God’s law is something to be ignored. While everyone coming for cakes has some sin in their life this is a step further because the cake itself would be participating in an act of open rebellion to God’s law and design for marriage and therefore its creator would be doing so as well. Such a participation would constitute an infraction against the commands from God in scripture and here in Mt 5:19.  I have seen this justified by comparing it to a gun shop owner being responsible for the murder committed by a customer who bought a gun.  However just because someone buys a gun doesn’t infer that they are going to commit murder.  It is not the same thing as providing services for an event in direct opposition to God’s word since you know how it will be used beforehand.  Another example would be if I am a contractor and a gentleman’s club wants me to build their stage I would have to refuse; participation in or enablement of behavior contrary to the Word of God is not justifiable.
4. We are to extend grace and avoid enacting a judgement against others. The word judgement has two meanings; it is either a statement indicating a determination regarding correctness or it can mean a prescription of action to be taken, a prescribed penal response. We are to avoid penal responses and we are to avoid coming to our own determinations regarding correctness. But we are not to remain silent about God’s already stated “judgments”, His statements about whether something is right or wrong. Telling someone, making a public statement or taking a public action in line with God’s commands and design is not making a judgement our-self it is informing someone of God’s judgement. It might not be received well as people want to rebel and don’t want to have God’s word point out that they are in opposition to God and that God considers their actions wrong. But it is necessary because Romans 7:9-13 shows us that the law is part of the gospel. The good news is not so good unless we are aware of its contrast with the bad news of our sin.

It is clear from the law in Genesis 2:24 and reiterated by Jesus in Matthew 19:5 that marriage is between a man and a woman.  Further 1 Cor 6:9-11 indicates that those practicing homosexuality will not enter the kingdom of heaven.  I have people in my life that fall into this category and they are people I love very much.  Problem is since the law acknowledges same sex marriage and many in society either are indifferent or now are in support of this those practicing feel as if this “life style” is now legitimate and they will never think twice about it.  This if frustrating because it encourages those I love to continue on a path which puts them at odds with God and His law and under the penalty described in 1 Corinthians 6.

I suppose if it comes down to a judicial ruling or specific legislation compelling Christian’s to render services in support of such an immoral practice, as long as no one is physically in danger, than I believe the moral responsibility would transfer to those forcing compliance. Until such time or circumstance we are compelled to follow God’s principles and policies first.


The Noise of Our Sin

Jesus Christ with Children – Wikipedia

Matthew 18:10

10 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.”

The face that no one can see and live because of His holiness. The burning ones who serve God before the throne cover themselves with extra wings because even they would be consumed by the holiness of God almighty. The face of the all consuming fire. Before that face each child has angels (more than one) who get an audience. And moment by moment these angels come frustrated, weeping before the Father scores upon scores of angels for scores upon scores of children killed in abortion, abandoned or murdered by selfish parents, and a church barely raising a fuss over all of this. The noise of our sin must be such a din.

“It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God”  Hebrews 10:31

How Should Christians Respond to Bin Laden’s Death

A New York City fireman calls for 10 more resc...

Image via Wikipedia

I personally will not be going out into the street and celebrate but I am not going to judge those that do either. There are many imprecatory psalms that call for justice against the wicked and celebrate their judgement. The bible doesn’t call for us to be stoic but acknowledges our feelings and at times calls for us to express them while at other times calls for reservation. Read more of this post

Supporting Abortion is a Sin

Stamp of the Greater German Reich, depicting A...

Image via Wikipedia

Abortion is the equivalent of slavery and the Holocaust.  When I made this comment I received a scathing rebuke.  To which I make the following statements.

Do you know when life begins? Do you know when a baby is imbued with the Imago Dei? Do you know when a baby becomes a person? Can you say for sure? I’m sure there are those that would say, “Yes I know” but there is not much I can say to such a delusion. For the rest of us we can certainly forward a guess but wouldn’t want to be held to it. If we can’t say for certain then why is the practice to err on the side of convenience rather than on the side of caution? Further God says that children are a gift from Him. Isn’t it audaciously insulting at best to return such a gift and at worst… I can’t even fathom it? Psalm 139 speaks of God knowing us before we were born further establishing the baby in the womb as a person. All persons are endowed by their creator with the right to life.

I was also rebuked for not providing alternatives and for comparing abortion to the holocaust and slavery because no one is forcing women to get abortions.  They failed to see that the baby has no choice in the matter.  During the Holocaust the Jews were the minority and apart from someone standing up for them there was no hope.  As far as alternatives; if Hitler had died after 2 years he would be known as Hitler the Great for how he had miraculously pulled Germany out of the depression. And the services continued and helped the poor into the holocaust but when good is used as a platform for evil an end must be put to it.  Just as an end must be put to Planned Parenthood.  The other Planned Parenthood services are available through other organizations and through the family which is frequently left out.

These are all arguments for an opinion and are of course helpful but I have more than an opinion to work from. God has spoken to me, the Holy Spirit has mourned in my soul over the murder of God’s children. Hear the word of the Lord! Abortion is a sin and supporting abortion is a sin, Repent, Repent, Repent and flee the wrath that is to come…

2008 Election: Banking on … ?

A World in Turmoil

While world economies are in turmoil and health care costs and quality have become problematic for many.  While natural disasters are on the rise and many are worried about global warming.  While the supply, demand and costs of energy create concern because of our dependence upon energy.  While we live in this world we are faced with these things and we will be faced with more as life goes on…

In September 2008 everyone looked sideways at the bank or the financial institution holding their retirement hoping it wasn’t going to go belly up.   Everyone felt a little insecure having placed the capital for their futures in financial institutions that were dealing in “securities” (the term security became an oxymoron).  Here in 2008 in the month of October facing all these difficulties and uncertainties we find ourselves in the midst of elections for the leaders of our nation.  The debates quickly refocused on financial issues and everyone was asking what the candidates’ plans and priorities were.  People are hoping to pick a candidate with a plan they can “bank” on, pardon the pun.  But, ultimately a plan is a plan and will have to be flexible as issues and road blocks arise and priorities change.  The formation of the plan and how it will eventually be played out is based upon the candidates view of the world.

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