Hiking/Camping Part 3 – Camp Health & Hygiene

Decomposers The fungi on this tree feed on dea...

Image via Wikipedia

Living outdoors can put a lot of stress on the body and can introduce many types of fungus, bacteria and other disease causing organisms.  While it can be difficult if you are hoofing it through forests and mountain paths it is still important to at least keep clean if not well groomed.  Depending upon where you are hiking and camping the options will differ.  Usually state park camping areas provide  bathrooms/outhouses and many even provide washrooms with showers.  So keeping clean and groomed is not that difficult.  But if you are going more back country than these options are more limited and likely you will be using a hole in the ground and lakes or streams to rinse yourself off.  Regardless of which situation you are in there are some things you are just going to need in your bag of tricks. Read more of this post

Hiking/Camping Part 1 – Enjoying Nature

man vs. wild - bear grylls

Image by no-frills marilyn. via Flickr

Well this post and its subsequent parts will be a little out of the ordinary from the usual topics of this blog.  Lately I have not been deeply studying or meditating on theological issues.  I feel this is good as it can also be spiritually positive to be employed in other diversions.  The particular diversion of spending time in nature can be of great benefit to clear ones mind and lighten ones thoughts.  It can humble us and exalt the One who created it all.  Over the past several years I have been selling the idea of camping to my wife and kids and with our youngest now over a year old I think I may be able to schedule some outings.  Also with how tight money is getting due to rising taxes and inflation at the pump and in the stores camping can be an economical alternative to the usually expensive family vacation. Read more of this post